Capital Allowances
Capital Allowances
Capital allowances are available to support and encourage businesses to undertake capital investment. These incentives are obtained through savings in corporation and income tax, although the tax rules are complex and often misunderstood.
Jackson Coles has an industry leading team of dual qualified tax/surveying specialists who are very experienced in the preparation, negotiation and agreement of capital allowances claims.
We are Specialists
Our specialist team has successfully partnered with numerous clients to help them recover a significant percentage of their investment over the life of the project.
Using our service enables clients to:
- Realise cash savings and the associated cash flow benefits
- Benefit from capital allowances advisory support during the agreement for lease negotiations e.g. modelling the financial incentives package being offered by the Landlord.
- Have the scheme design reviewed to ensure the capital allowances position is optimised.
- Reduce direct and indirect business costs associated with managing tax compliance
- Integrate strategies and services so that they can be delivered through a single point of contact
- Have an expert preparing the claims and then negotiate with HMRC to reach a successful conclusion